Find Bangalore’s Best Resorts for Memorable Day Trips

Bangalore, sometimes referred to as the Silicon Valley of India, is a thriving metropolis with a tech-savvy workforce and an active social scene. There is a demand for fast escapes in the midst of the chaos, particularly for couples and families looking to get away for the day. Fortunately, Bangalore has a wide selection of day trip resorts that can accommodate both couples looking for a romantic getaway and families looking for a fun-filled family vacation. Without changing the keywords you gave, we will examine some of the best resorts in Bangalore for day trips in this article.

Bangalore resorts for romantic day trips

To spend valuable time together away from the bustle of the city, couples frequently look for tranquil and romantic locations. There are many resorts in Bangalore for day outing for couples that offer the ideal environment for such expeditions. Here are several possibilities:

Golden Palms Resort & Spa: 

This lovely resort is renowned for its luxuriant foliage, sophisticated design, and serene setting. Couples can take a romantic stroll around the wonderfully designed gardens, unwind by the pool, or indulge in a spa treatment.

Eagleton The Golf Resort: 

As the name implies, this resort offers couples the chance to play a round of golf together while also providing a tranquil environment. The resort’s appeal is enhanced by the expansive green golf course.

Couples will find peace and quiet at the Nandi Hills-nestled Clarks Exotica Convention Resort and Spa. They can have spa treatments, relax in the infinity pool, or just enjoy a special dinner at the on-site restaurant.

Bangalore resorts for day trips

Here are several fantastic one day outing resorts in Bangalore for individuals seeking an immediate break from their regular routines:

A variety of activities are available at the on-the-outskirts-of-the-city Windflower Prakruthi Resort, including zip-lining, swimming, and outdoor games. Families seeking relaxation and adventure should go for it.

The Guhantara Resort offers a memorable experience thanks to its original concept. Families may explore the cavernous rooms, take in a lavish banquet, and watch rain dance.

Parkfield Resotel combines the best of a hotel and a resort, and is renowned for its serene setting and verdant gardens. Families can relax by the pool or play activities inside and outside.

Bangalore resorts for family day trips

The emphasis on family outings frequently moves to providing recreational opportunities and resources for people of all ages. Here are a few resorts in Bangalore for day outing for family:

Chairman’s Jade Club & Resort: 

This resort has a variety of activities available, including tennis, badminton, swimming, and a kids’ play area. The on-site restaurant serves delectable meals to families as well.

Holiday Village Resort: 

With its expansive grounds and variety of activities, including a mini-golf course and volleyball, Holiday Village Resort offers families plenty of room to enjoy themselves. For additional entertainment, there is a water park there. Family vacations are available at the tranquil Radiant Resort, which is renowned for its tranquil setting. They have indoor activities, an outdoor sports complex, and a swimming pool that is kept in good condition.


Bangalore is home to a wide variety of resorts that cater to both families and couples looking for a day of fun and relaxation. These resorts for day trips make it possible for you to get away from the bustle of the city and spend quality time with your loved ones. Therefore, prepare your belongings and travel to one of these amazing resorts in Bangalore for an exciting day trip.


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