A Perfect Getaway: Investigating Day Outing Resorts in Bangalore and Kolkata

Are you hoping to spend a day relaxing and having fun away from the bustle of the city? one day outing resorts in Bangalore provide the perfect escape for a restorative experience. These resorts are ideal for a day trip away from the city because they offer a relaxing atmosphere, thrilling activities, and mouthwatering food.

Kolkata’s Calm Vacations:

  • The Rajbari Bawali: 

The Rajbari Bawali, which is only a short drive from Kolkata, provides a look into the splendor of Bengal’s past. This resort, which is surrounded by lush vegetation, perfectly combines luxury and history. You can take a tour of the magnificent Rajbari (palace), eat authentic Bengali food, or just relax by the pool.

Ganga Kutir is a hidden gem for people looking for peace and quiet and is located on the banks of the Ganges River. The resort offers relaxing spa services, cozy villas with river views, and a riverfront restaurant serving mouthwatering Bengali cuisine.

  • Aqua Marina Drive-In Resort: 

If you enjoy participating in water sports, this resort is your paradise. It offers thrilling activities like jet-skiing, kayaking, and paddle-boating and is situated outside of Kolkata. You can have a delectable lunch at their waterfront restaurant after an adrenaline rush.

  • Bangalore’s Best Day Trip Attractions:

In the midst of 70 acres of beautiful vegetation, Clarks Exotica Convention Resort & Spa is a luxurious haven close to Bangalore. The resort features a spa, a golf course, and a variety of restaurants. Enjoy a day of leisure by the pool or in the lovely gardens.

If you enjoy playing golf, you should visit Eagleton, The Golf Resort. There is an 18-hole golf course at this resort, as well as tennis courts and swimming pools. In a relaxing setting, take in a day of sports and delicious eating.

  • Discovery Village: 

For those looking for action, Bangalore’s Discovery Village offers a variety of pursuits like zip-lining, paintball, and outdoor games. It’s the ideal location for group outings or a fun-filled day with friends and family.

Resorts in Bangalore for Day Trips:

  • Golden Palms Resort and Spa: 

Golden Palms is an opulent resort with 14 acres of space and a variety of services, such as a spa, swimming pools, and excellent restaurants and resorts for day outing in Bangalore. It’s the perfect place to relax and reenergize.

  • Chairman’s Resort: 

This resort has a lovely artificial beach and a calm atmosphere. You can relax by the pool or participate in one of their many indoor and outdoor activities. The Windflower Prakruthi is an eco-friendly resort that is surrounded by lush gardens and a lake on the outskirts of Bangalore. It’s a great option for a serene day of bird watching and outdoor walks.


Day outing resorts in Kolkata provide a variety of activities, from elegant historical settings to heart-pounding thrills. These resorts offer the ideal vacation from the daily grind whether you’re in the Silicon Valley of India or the City of Joy. Choose one of these gorgeous locations for your next day trip for a unique and rejuvenating experience.


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